latest 20 messages by [itchyjunk]

+ [2019-06-11T14:47:47Z] [itchyjunk]
+ [2019-06-11T14:47:03Z] [itchyjunk] If you needed sometype of support, wouldn't you contact the github support itself?
+ [2019-05-14T14:39:51Z] [itchyjunk] Another easy way to get Git installed is by installing GitHub Desktop. The installer includes a command line version of Git as well as the GUI. It also works well with PowerShell, and sets up solid credential caching and sane CRLF settings.
+ [2019-05-14T14:39:03Z] [itchyjunk] Which one have you installed?
+ [2019-05-14T14:38:34Z] [itchyjunk]
+ [2019-05-14T14:38:29Z] [itchyjunk] Note that this is a project called Git for Windows, which is separate from Git itself; for more information on it, go to
+ [2019-05-02T18:56:48Z] [itchyjunk] apps are something installed on an account, from what i know.
+ [2019-05-02T16:50:42Z] [itchyjunk] I fixed the issue. It works if i "install in all repos" and doesn't if i "select repos to install" when installing the course on
+ [2019-05-02T16:48:07Z] [itchyjunk] Oh i see it now. I had to be in the repository. makes sense. i was in the meta menu. thanks
+ [2019-05-02T16:45:23Z] [itchyjunk] Hm, I messed up a repository called "github-slideshow". I would like to delete it completly. I can't figure out how.
+ [2019-05-02T16:35:48Z] [itchyjunk] Where are git `apps` to be found? i installed an app but i don't know where to look for it
+ [2019-05-02T16:27:06Z] [itchyjunk] I want to learn git. this has small cources. hopefully its a fun new way of learning
+ [2019-05-02T16:25:37Z] [itchyjunk] ah okay, i don't mind waiting
+ [2019-05-02T16:12:35Z] [itchyjunk] Hm, getting 404's when I start the course.
+ [2019-05-02T14:51:50Z] [itchyjunk] Ah, nm. I think I found it.
+ [2019-05-02T14:50:44Z] [itchyjunk] I don't want to install the app on all personal repositories. It says you can custom install it per course but I don't see the option when I get to the course.
+ [2019-05-02T14:48:55Z] [itchyjunk] Hi, is questions on topic here?